R. E. Beverly III and Associates is available for design, construction, and testing of major pulsed power facilities. Typical projects include short-pulse magnets, plasma foci, exploding wires and liners, and EMP generators. Drawing from our experience with switchgear, triggering systems, transmission lines, and pulse generators, we work closely with the client to assure a successful and cost-effective approach.
The massively paralleled system cited here is installed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico USA. Twenty-four Scyllac-style, low-inductance capacitors are fired simultaneously into a single-turn electromagnet generating fields in excess of 100 T. Each capacitor is fitted with our SG-182 trigatron switch and pressurized shield canister (effective inductance 27 nH). Ninety-six coaxial cables (Dielectric Sciences DS-2248) with our HN-88 connectors then form the parallel transmission lines. The entire system is triggered by our PG-107 generator.
If you have serious interest in employing our services for facility development, then please complete our Custom Pulser Questionnaire to initiate further discussion.
Last revision: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 15:04:09 +0000